Thursday, August 2, 2012

Things That Make Us Laugh

We knew we would find many new things in a different country.  Many of them are quite amusing so we thought we would share.

This is an electric shower head.  I don't know about you, but I was always told that electricity and water make a bad combination.  But if you want a hot shower in Ecuador it becomes a necessary risk.  Most homes do not have hot water.  Cameron and Connor have discovered what not to do when making adjustments to the water.  They were both lightly zapped.  The girls and I have learned from them and have done quite well.

Naked light bulbs.  Our apartment has 7 lights in our small kitchen and living room.  I thought the missing light fixtures was just our apartment.  But I've come to realize that its the same everywhere.  Light fixtures are considered an extra.  So, you only see them when you visit someone who has moved here from the US and built a home of their own.

Tiny refrigerators.  Em hasn't grown since we've been here (believe it or not).  There are tiny grocery stores on every block and a large open market with fresh fruits and vegetables every day.  So, really we only use the fridge to hold our leftovers.

When you buy a whole chicken you really get the WHOLE chicken.  The only thing missing is the feathers.

Or if you prefer a really fresh chicken you can buy some baby chicks.....right there at the grocery store!

Entrance to a very nice neighborhood.  You would never realize it from the entrance gate. 

Yes, they have fast food in Ecuador.  There isn't any in our little town but when we were in the big city of Guayaquil we founds lot of familiar places.  McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and KFC were some that we visited.

This place made us laugh.  Look closely at the name of the restaurant......Taco Bello!  It's mexican food but NOT Taco Bell.  The owner of the restaurant saw us walking by looking at the pics of food in the window and he came out and in perfect english said, "You have found the best guacamole in town.  Come in and have dinner!"  He caters to foreigners and prepares his food with our weak immune systems in mind.  The food was delicious and the portions were huge.  The owner was quite entertaining too.

One of my personal favorite differences.  We went to the market only a few blocks from our apartment.  We planned to buy some fruits and veggies.  One of the booths had fresh flowers with roses in an endless variety of colors.  I spotted a large bundle wrapped in paper with the buds barely opened.  I asked the lady how much for them.  I tried really hard to hide my shock at the price but I don't think I was successful.  I excitedly purchased my 2 dozen long stem pink roses for $2.50.

We are so thoroughly enjoying our adventure.  We have so many more things to share but they will have to wait for now. Keep checking back with us!

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