Friday, July 20, 2012

We have arrived in Otovalo after a long day of traveling. Our flight left Miami on time and the flight went well until we got to Quito....It seems that there were high winds so we circled for about an hour waiting to land. When the pilot finally attempted it we got to about 300 ft and and he pulled out ...then announced that we were out of fuel and needed to go to Guayaquil to get more fuel to try again.
That is all behind us now.

We made it to Otovalo and got checked into Hostal El Pedregal. These are some pictures of the courtyard area and the views of the 2 mountains that Otovalo is between, Mt Cotacatchi and Mt Imbaburra. between the travel and the altitude we are all exhausted. Last night was good night to go to bed early and rest. Our hosts served us a wonderful breakfast typical for Ecuadorians; huevos, cafe con leche, juegas frutas, y pan. Still not too sure about the coffee situation here, it seems I need more caffeine than their coffee has. 

We are going to go visit some of the friends that we made during our visit back in march and start looking for a more permanent place to live for the next few months.


  1. Wow! Oh Wow! That plane ride sounds like a bad roller coaster ride that won't stomach is queezy thinking about it!

    But like you said its now behind you...and you're starting a wonderful adventure in Jehovah's service....he will bless your efforts. What a great gift you guys are giving to your kids!

    Thanks for keeping us updated.

  2. So glad to hear you made it! The girls are sad they missed Emily's Skype call. It's so funny - you all are VERY far away, but keeping in touch is so easy. I am really excited for you and your family. I hope you all have a wonderful time. Jehovah is blessing you - keep up the good work!
    Bill and the Fam

  3. I just got the news of your big adventure. It sounds so exciting and wonderful. I am sad I different not get to see you before you left. I love the blog so far and can't wait to read all about your congregation and experiences.

    Alicia Ritmaha
