Monday, July 23, 2012

Cotacachi Apartment

So here are some photos of the apartment.
View from Street. We have the second floor. 3rd floor is available if anyone wants to join us.

View of living room from Kitchen. Kids found their games.

View of market and square across the street. This is a daily craft market of the local vendors. All sorts of neat items.

View of Kitchen from living room.

View from the roof. We have access to that because that is where we dry our clothes.

Did I mention that it has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. And we can rent month at a long term contracts....things are much more simple here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just recieved an email from Anna with the link to your blog. Awesome! The apartment is beAUTiful!And the area too! Are we having fun yet???!!!
    oops. well it appears I don't know how to send this message. I'll keep trying!
