Friday, September 21, 2012

Lake Cuicocha

Our day of adventure began at 8:00 this morning.  We drove up the mountain to a restaurant on Lake Cuicocha for breakfast.  Our group included our family, a couple that lives down the street from us and a friend visiting here from FL.

We enjoyed the view while we waited for our breakfast to be prepared.

The larger greener humps of land are actually two separate islands in the lake.  There used to be houses you could rent but they have burned down and now the islands sit empty.

This is the same lake just looking further to the right.  The large mountain with snow on top is Mount Cotacachi......the same mountain we enjoy from our rooftop looking behind our apartment.

Our breakfast consisted of rolls, scrambled eggs, coffee, and fresh pineapple juice.  Once we finished eating we wandered down the mountain to see the lake a little closer.

The building up high is the restaurant where we ate breakfast.

This is another restaurant.  They also have boats that you can hire to drive you around the islands in the lake.

We hope to be able to hike around the mountain ridge circling the lake some time on a future trip.  We hear there are flowers and wildlife that are unique to that altitude.

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